Accepting Applications for Apprenticeship for 2014!

Serendipity Plant Lore School of Ethnobotanical Studies is now accepting applications for 2014 Planting Love Apprenticeships. Please email if you are interested, and I will send you information…the dates for 2014 are being finalized right now. Interviews will be scheduled for late December and early January. Serendipity Plant Lore’s Programs will start in March 2014!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

This is a two year program, that may be taken in one year chunks. 2015 will bring changes to the program, of working in an additional year of clinical work.

Planting Love covers the fundamentals of Wild Foraging, Plant Healing, Biological Systems, Botany, and Anatomy, for the Home Herbalist and for the Professional Community Herbalist. This program is geared towards healers learning and having first hand experiences of Plant/Human Relationship, Stewardship, Biology, Wild Foraging and Plant Identification, Ecosystem Awareness, Field Training, Healing Autism and Other Neurological Diseases, Intestinal Health, Emergency Medicine, Immunity, Degenerative Diseases, Spirituality, Working with the Psycho Spiritual Aspects of Plants, Midwifery Herbs and Deathwifery Herbs, Nutrition and the Olde Ways of Unlocking Plant Knowledge handed down through my families own Healing Tradition. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

This program is suitable for those who want to be a Home and Family Herbalist, but is geared more widely to those who work as Healers, who want to gain experience and knowledge and first hand lessons in being a greater Community Herbalist, and also to augment other fields of the Health Care Profession. Connecting to our own core path and being, in the Field of Green, we move through life with greater inspiration and the development of the tools of experience to be of true service, for the love of plants and facilitating the healing of ourselves and others. A greater opening of the heart, and of wild experiences, the gateway to working through our hearts and the heart of the earth for greater healing.DSC_0364

This program will FUN from March through November 2014.


(c) 2013, Summer L. Farkas Takacs-Michaelson, CH