Forest Breath and Hummingbird Medicine

A beautiful Friday to all!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Wishing everyone everywhere, the finding of love in their hearts, to be, to change, and to grow.

In this beautiful world, in this beautiful cosmos, in this beautiful life, filled with all that we could ever ask for.

From the humble plants, to the humble bees, to the humble peoples, all showy, with love.

To be here, to be with one another, is to give thanks for this true freedom we all enjoy.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The forest whispers truth, a cleansing breath, that places perspective in our visions.

I was in the Forest harvesting, medicinal plants for very strong medicine. As I found the plants that were to give of themselves to the healing of others, I give thanks. I sit down, knees muddy, to dig these precious beings in thankfulness, in thankfulness to God for providing all this magnificent everything, in thankfulness to the plants that guided my vision to harvest. I squat, ready to dig, and a flock of hummingbirds of every color of the rainbow fly up into the branches of the umbrella shaped shrub I am praying and digging under. They flutter around my head, and watch me, as I dig. The medicine is imbued with Hummingbird Medicine. The Hummingbirds prayed and blessed WITH me!

I never expected that gift, but opening the dialogue, the praying, the thanking and the gifting, everything came together to support the digging of this medicine. Every Being came together in a specific way in a bubble of beauty.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The making of medicine happens in only specific ways, and those ways of working bring healing, produce abundance, and the Dance of Creation plays on, in a real and practiced Stewardship. A Stewardship of real responsibility, a Stewardship of precious gifts!

May ones’s Medicine be full, heal you, and be shared. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

(c) 2014, Summer L. Farkas Takacs-Michaelson, CH

Serendipity Plant Lore School of Ethnobotanical Studies

All rights reserved.